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Oxford Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS20 9DA


Headteacher - Mrs Fiona Wharton

Guiseley Primary School


Autumn 2

In Nursery this half term the children have loved our learning about special events such as National Nursery Rhyme week, Diwali, Poppy Day, Bonfire Night, Children in Need and Christmas. Our learning was based around the books: ‘Gruffalo, ’‘The Nativity’ and ‘The Elves and the Shoe Maker’. The children then explored Christmas, inviting our families to a special sing a long and craft event and then meeting Santa. We explored the seasonal changes of autumn turning to winter. Our favourite part was learning the story ‘Goldilocks’, solving the crime scene to find the stolen porridge and then making our own for snack. We made sure that we had healthy toppings. It was yummy! We cannot wait to learn about ‘Amazing Animals’ next half term starting with penguins and polar bears.

Autumn 1

The Nursery children have a made a brilliant start in their first half term and we are really proud how they have all settled so well. We have worked hard to learn all the rules and routines in Nursery and the children have begun to make new friends. The children have loved our learning based around the books: ‘The Colour Monster’, ‘Elmer’, ‘The Enormous Turnip’ and ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see?’ We focused on learning about colours and thinking how we can regulate our emotions. The children then explored Harvest and the seasonal changes of Autumn. Our favourite part was learning the story ‘The Little Red Hen’ and then making our own bread. We made sure that we shared all the jobs and worked as a team. It was yummy! We cannot wait to learn about special events next half term.

Welcome to Nursery Autumn 1 2024

We are so proud how well the children have all settled into Nursery. We are helping the children understand our rules and routines, especially tidying and and sharing. The children are having had lots of fun exploring our way around school to the hall and library. 

Our focus this half term is all about colours. We will be looking at the books the Colour Monster, Elmer and What Can you see Brown Bear?  We are then looking at our families, reading books such as Owl babies and exploring how important family is.