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Oxford Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS20 9DA


Headteacher - Mrs Fiona Wharton

Guiseley Primary School

  1. News
  2. MUGA Update

MUGA Update

19 July 2019 (by admin)

Thank You to everyone who has supported the MUGA fundraising. The MUGA Mile Sponsorship raised £2,077.33! Dale Eddison Guiseley are also supporting the fundraising by donating £100 for every house sale where a Guiseley Primary form has been submitted.

Miss Adair will be updating the MUGA thermometer soon with the MUGA Mile sponsorship money £2,077.33.

Parents Group have arranged for Dale Eddison to support the fundraising. For every house sale completed through their Guiseley office, and a Guiseley Primary form submitted, they will donate £100 to the MUGA. You will also receive £100 towards your moving costs.  If you, or some-one you know, will be selling their house, please consider using Dale Eddison Guiseley.  

Please continue to share the Justgiving page with your friends, family and colleague:

Thank You for all your support!